rmf_read_cbc reads in a MODFLOW cell-by-cell budget file

  file = {     cat("Please select cell-by-cell budget file ...\n")     file.choose() },
  dis = {     cat("Please select corresponding dis file ...\n")    
    rmf_read_dis(file.choose()) },
  huf = NULL,
  oc = NULL,
  precision = "single",
  fluxes = "all",
  timesteps = NULL



filename; typically '*.cbc'


dis object.


huf object; optional. Provide only if huf heads are being read and dis is not NULL. See details.


oc object; optional. See details.


either 'single' or 'double'. Specifies the precision of the binary file.


character; denotes which fluxes to read. Defaults to reading all fluxes. See details.


optional integer vector specifying which time steps to read. If -1 is specified, only the last time step is read. Defaults to NULL. See details.


object of class cbc which is a list consisting of named rmf_arrays and/or data.frames. The names of the elements correspond to the fluxes.


Fluxes include 'constant_head', 'storage', 'flow_right_face', 'flow_front_face', 'flow_lower_face', 'wells', 'river_leakage', 'recharge', 'drains', 'head_dep_bounds' or any other description as written by MODFLOW.

If no oc object is supplied, for all array flow terms a rmf_array of dimensions NROW x NCOL x NLAY x sum(NSTP) is created and filled. Time steps for which no output is given are filled with NA. If a oc object is supplied, rmf_arrays of dimensions NROW x NCOL x NLAY are read and binded at each time step for which output is written. The resulting dimensions of the final arrays are NROW x NCOL x NLAY x STPS where STPS are timesteps for which output is saved.

If the timesteps argument is supplied, it overwrites the use of the oc argument. For all array flow terms a rmf_array of dimensions NROW x NCOL x NLAY x length(timesteps) is created and filled.

If flows are interpolated to huf units, a huf object is to be supplied as well to dimension the array. This will only affect the constant-head and cell flow terms. The final array will have NHUF layers instead of NLAY.