This function installs external codes that are used by RMODFLOW.

rmf_install(code = "all", overwrite = NULL)




Character vector with the codes to install, or "all" (default).


Logical. Overwrite when the code is already installed? If NULL (default), the user is asked what to do in an interactive session. An error message is issued otherwise.


rmf_installed_codes() returns an invisible character vector with installed code names.


Supported software

All MODFLOW variants documented at the Online Guide to MODFLOW, except for MODFLOW-2000. I.e. MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-OWHM, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-LGR and MODFLOW-CFP. The zip files with windows binaries hosted at the USGS websites are downloaded and extracted in the installation directory. The main folder names are modified in order to have more consistency.

Installation location

The default installation location is file.path(system.file(package = "RMODFLOW"), "code"), but it can be altered by setting option RMODFLOW.path.

rmf_installed_codes() shows which codes are installed in the default installation location as set by the RMODFLOW.path option.

See also

rmf_guide() for launching the Online Guide to MODFLOW or specific pages thereof.


if (FALSE) { rmf_install() # Install all codes. rmf_install("2005") # Install MODFLOW-2005. rmf_install("MODFLOW-2005") # Install MODFLOW-2005. rmf_install(c(2005, "MODFLOW-NWT", "cfp")) # Install different variants. } if (FALSE) { rmf_installed_codes() }