rmf_gradient.rmf_2d_array calculates the x and y components of the gradient from a 2d scalar field

rmf_gradient.rmf_3d_array calculates the x, y and z components of the gradient from a 3d scalar field

rmf_gradient.rmf_4d_array calculates the x, y and z components of the gradient from a 4d scalar field where the 4th dimension is time


# S3 method for rmf_2d_array
rmf_gradient(obj, dis, na_values = NULL, mask = obj * 0 + 1)

# S3 method for rmf_3d_array
rmf_gradient(obj, dis, na_values = NULL, mask = obj * 0 + 1)

# S3 method for rmf_4d_array
rmf_gradient(obj, dis, l, ...)



additional arguments passed to rmf_gradient.rmf_3d_array


4d array with the scalars


RMODFLOW dis object


optional; sets these values in obj to 0; defaults to NULL


logical 3d array indicating which cells to include in the gradient calculation; defaults to all cells active


integer index used to subset the 4th dimension of the 4d array


a list with the x and y components of the gradient field as 2d arrays

a list with the x, y and z components of the gradient field as 3d arrays

a list with the x, y and z components of the gradient field as 3d arrays


The gradient is evaluated in the direction of increasing x & y values. Central differences are used for interior points; single-sided differences for values at the edges of the matrix.

The gradient is evaluated in the direction of increasing x, y & z values. Central differences are used for interior points; single-sided differences for values at the edges of the matrix.

the 4d array is subsetted on the 4th dimension to a 3d array from which the gradient is calculated