rmf_create_pval creates an RMODFLOW pval object

rmf_create_pval(parnam, parval = NULL, np = NULL)



character vector specifying the parameter names, in which case at least parval has to be provided as well, named numeric vector containing the parameter values, or data frame containing a parnam and parval column


numeric vector specifying the parameter values; defaults to NULL, in which case values are extracted from parnam


number of MODFLOW-supported parameters; defaults to NULL, in which case the total number of parameters is determined from parnam


an RMODFLOW pval object


parnam & parval should be of the same length. Extra parameters that are not supported by MODFLOW can be introduced, but np should be adjusted accordingly (i.e. not accounting for the extra parameters), and hence set explicitly. For details on working with these extra parameters, see the preprocess argument to rmf_execute().

See also