creates an RMODFLOW
dis object.
rmf_create_dis( nlay = 3, nrow = 10, ncol = 10, nper = 1, itmuni = 1, lenuni = 2, laycbd = rep(0, nlay), delr = 100, delc = 100, top = matrix(0, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol), botm = array(rep(seq(0, -10 * (nlay + sum(laycbd != 0)), length = nlay + sum(laycbd != 0) + 1)[2:(nlay + sum(laycbd != 0) + 1)], each = nrow * ncol), dim = c(nrow, ncol, nlay + sum(laycbd != 0))), perlen = rep(1, nper), nstp = rep(1, nper), tsmult = rep(1, nper), sstr = c("SS", rep("TR", nper - 1)), prj = NULL )
nlay | number of layers; defaults to 3 |
nrow | number of rows; defaults to 10 |
ncol | number of columns; defaults to 10 |
nper | number of stress periods; defaults to 1 |
itmuni | time unit; defaults to 1 (seconds) |
lenuni | length unit; defaults to 2 (metres) |
laycbd | vector of Quasi-3D confining bed flags; defaults to 0 for all layers |
delr | vector of cell widths along rows; defaults to 100 for all columns |
delc | vector of cell widths along columns; defaults to 100 for all rows |
top | matrix with the top elevation of layer 1; defaults to 0 for all nrow x ncol cells |
botm | 3D array with the bottom elevations of all layers and Quasi-3D confining beds; defaults to nlay layers, equally spaced between 0 (top first layer) and -100 (bottom last layer) |
perlen | vector of stress period lengths |
nstp | vector of stress period time steps |
tsmult | vector of successive time step length multipliers |
sstr | character vector with steady state ('SS') or transient ('TR') stress period indicator |
prj | optional RMODFLOW prj object as created by |
Object of class dis