This function installs external codes that are used by [RMT3DMS].

rmt_install(code = "all", overwrite = NULL)




Character vector with the codes to install, or `"all"` (default).


Logical. Overwrite when the code is already installed? If `NULL` (default), the user is asked what to do in an interactive session. An error message is issued otherwise.


[rmt_installed_codes()] returns an invisible character vector with installed code names.


## Supported software [MT3DMS v5.3]( and [MT3D-USGS]( The zip files with windows binaries hosted at these website are downloaded and extracted in the installation directory. The main folder names are modified in order to have more consistency.

## Installation location The default installation location is `file.path(system.file(package = "RMT3DMS"), "code")`, but it can be altered by setting option `RMT3DMS.path`.

[rmt_installed_codes()] shows which codes are installed in the default installation location as set by the `RMT3DMS.path` option.


if (FALSE) { rmt_install() # Install all codes. rmt_install("MT3D-USGS", overwrite = TRUE) # Install MT3D-USGS. rmt_install("MT3DMS", overwrite = TRUE) # Install MT3DMS. } if (FALSE) { rmt_installed_codes() }