These functions provide a means to inspect the internal structure of objects, or design a UI to do so, which is consistent with the rest of the rui functionality. rui::expose() can be used to print information on different parts of an object (where the . in the prefix should be familiar to users of the magrittr pipe, and the $ is one of the subsetting operators), whereas rui::display() would be more appropriate for the atomic types. rui::inspect() attempts to use both these functions together with rui::entitle() to process the output of a utils::str() call, and print the structure consistent with the rest of the rui functions, borrowing some style elements from tibble:::print.tbl() and tibble::glimpse().

expose(..., level = 1)


inspect(object, levels = 1)





Character vectors supporting glue strings and cli inline styles.


Level of indentation, typically useful for (nested) lists. Defaults to 1.


Object to print the structure of.


Number of levels to include. Defaults to 1.